Panama la Vieja
After having a little good bye party for Eduard, who leaves us on Friday, we finally made it to get up and hit the road to Panama la Vieja, which was the first settlement on the pacific side of Panama. It was founded in 1519 and developed well until it was destroyed by the welsh privateer Henry Morgan in 1671. The city was rebuild 5 miles south west of the original place, which is now called Casco Viejo.
Panama la Vieja was not touched until the borders of growing Panama City hit the site. It was protected only 28 years ago, after a small (poor) neighbourhood developed around the site.
Panama la Vieja has a nice visitor centre with a small museum with interesting exhibits (and english texts ;-). Its a nice walk around the site as you can see also in my Gallery
Panama la Vieja was not touched until the borders of growing Panama City hit the site. It was protected only 28 years ago, after a small (poor) neighbourhood developed around the site.
Panama la Vieja has a nice visitor centre with a small museum with interesting exhibits (and english texts ;-). Its a nice walk around the site as you can see also in my Gallery
Hallo Martin!
Hab erst vor ein paar Tagen vom Papa erfahren das es diese Seite gibt. Sitze jetzt seit ca. 1 1/2 Std. vorm Computer und hab mir alle deine Berichte durchgelesen und deine Fotos angeschaut! Sooo super! Im Übrigen bin ich total stolz auf mich, weil ich alles von dem was du geschrieben hast verstanden habe (ohne Wörterbuch)! Ich wünsch dir noch wunderschöne Tage, und bitte schreib noch ein paar so tolle Berichte! Ganz liebe Grüße von Ali, Emil, Lena und Celina! Ich soll auch von meinen Leuten (Maria und Fred) noch ganz liebe Grüße senden! Und falls die Claudia das lesen sollte: Auch an dich ganz liebe Grüße!!!!!
Danke für die Blumen :-)
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liebe grüße,
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